1-2 May 2020
2299 Lancaster Pike, Shillington, PA 19607

All chairpersons should ask for help from other Keystone members to help work on their committees. The more people we get involved in the Regional meet the easier it will be for everyone. The Regional meet should be a fun time. It should not be a large burden on just a few people. Pitch in and help where you can. Remind everyone that we don’t do Regional Meets for a living and not everything will run smooth. We are doing this for all the Falcons and their owners. We want to keep these cars going forever!!


Regional ChairpersonBruce WolfeContract signed with Best WesternThe Main Regional Chairperson is the leader of the show. This person needs to coordinate all activities. This person is responsible for developing & designing the registration form, voting ballots, meet agenda, & any other
T-Shirts; Trophy; Wall PlaquesBruce WolfeReaching out to several vendors.This person will get the art work done for the T-Shirts, Dash Plaques & Trophy Plaques. They will order the shirts and plaques and deliver them to the meet or to the appropriate chair persons. They can form a committee to
HatsBruce WolfeThis person will order and deliver the Regional hats for the meet. The hat can have the Keystone logo embroidered on them and should have all meet information on the hats (Place, Year, Regional Number).
Banquet ChairpersonNAMay not have an official banquet.This person will be responsible for the awards banquet. Picking the menu, making sure the banquet is set up properly, having tickets made (optional), acquiring center pieces for the tables, making sure there are enough tables for the trophies & door prizes and anything to do with the banquet.
RegistrationFrank & GinnyThis person will be responsible for all car registration forms. All forms will be sent to this person. They will keep track of all the entrant’s information such as car classes, T-Shirts & hats bought, Banquet tickets bought, miles driven, FCA Chapter affiliation and the registration table at the Regional meet. They will need help. This is a time consuming job.
Chinese Auction & Door PrizesThis person will take care of all door prizes. If possible, one to four door prizes can be used as raffle prizes. Items can also be purchased to use as raffle gifts. If more than one item is used, they should be set up in the hospitality room with a container at each item so people can choose which item they want. This person will send thank you notes to all the people that donate prizes. It is best to ask for 2 business cards to be given with each item. One card will stay with the item so the person receiving the prize knows who it came from. The other business card will go into our files for sending a thank you note. It is best to give some of the prizes out during the meet to save time at the awards banquet. A list of the people and businesses that donate prizes should be announced at the banquet. An appreciation booklet can also be made with enlarged business cards displayed for advertising. This person will be responsible for getting all door prizes to the meet and banquet.
Parking Lot & Welcome TentMike PateskiThis person is responsible for setting up the classes in the parking lot. They will also rope off all areas for the meet. They will meet with hotel people to know all areas to be used for the meet. They will be responsible for setting up the tents, car wash, DJ and anything that goes on in the parking lot.
50/50This person will sell 50/50 tickets through out the day and be at the 4:00 meeting to run the 50/50.
Shop TalkRick BarrettIf possible, a shop talk session should be scheduled to educate the attendees on a Falcon related item. Be sure to advertise this session in the newsletter.
Welcome Tent & ParkingMike PateskiThis person will be responsible for greeting the Regional entrants. They will show them where to park their Falcon and their trailers. They will direct the vendors to the proper area. They should have a list of the pre-registered Falcons so they can immediately be placed in their classes. No Falcons should be parked in the show area until they are registered.
Advertising & Vendor ContactNAThis person should work close with the Regional Chairperson to make sure all areas are covered that require notification of our upcoming meet. This person should make sure the registration forms are sent to surrounding Chapters and the National FCA newsletter 4 months or more before the meet. (The sooner the better.) Also send info to local newspapers, radio stations, Ford dealers and other car parts houses, just to name a few. An ad should also be placed in the FCA newsletter giving detailed information about the meet. Be sure the advertising has the address of the hotel listed. This allows people to use their GPS units on the way to the meet.
Hospitality RoomPam & ConnieThis person will take care of setting up the tables, chairs, & food table in the Hospitality room. They will be responsible for making coffee and hot water for tea & hot chocolate. They are responsible for purchasing all supplies needed for the food area. They are also responsible for cleaning up this area and taking care of all unused items.
Club StoreThe club store manager is responsible for displaying and selling all items in the club store. If the Hospitality room is to be used for the club store, the Hospitality Chairperson should be notified as to what space is required.
Car WashThis person will be responsible for bringing buckets, hoses, hose nozzles and a Y fitting to be used for washing cars. If possible but not necessary a bottle of wash concentrate can be supplied.
Guard Duty/securityDan HainesThis person will make sure there are enough people signed up for guard duty for Friday (10:00 to 6:00) and Saturday night (10:00 to 6:00). You should supply a clipboard and sign-up sheet for Friday and Saturday nights (2 hr shifts). There should also be coverage during the banquet.
GamesThis person can have games set up from 1:00 to 3:00. Games can also be going on during the rest of the meet.
Goody BagsFrank Servas16Feb: a few items have arrived.This person needs to get bags and solicit all items for the goody bags. They are also responsible for assembling the goody bags
Tally VotesRoy KolbCreate ballot and see that enough are printed. Collect and count ballots at the event.
Eastwood cruse organizerJim OgramPlan route from Shillington to Eastwood in Pottstown. Provide map to all going on the cruise. Oversee the organization of cars before leaving Shillington.
Friday PizzaBelinda Maxwell
PhotographerLora & Tyler VarvelThis chairperson will ensure the event is properly photographed. They can take pictures and/or collect photos from others. The digital images will be delivered to the webmaster for posting to the club website.
Music & PA SystemEnsure some sort of public address (PA) system is available. Provided 1960s era background music during the show.


NameAddr1Addr2CSZPhoneContactEmailDonationDonation RequestedDonation ReceivedTierWebsiteSource
Armor All/STP Products Co1221 BroadwayOakland, CA 946122020-02-03 00:00:00Frank
AutoKraftersgift certificates2020-02-27 00:00:00Bruce
Best Western2299 Lancaster PikeShillington, PA 19607610.777.7888Jesse Atkinsgmbwreading@onefivehotels.comHospitality Room1https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotels-in-shillington/best-western-plus-reading-inn-suites/propertyCode.39120.htmlBruce
Carolinas Chaptersponsorship exchange2https://www.facebook.com/CarolinasChapterFCA/Bruce
Classic Car Restoration ClubClassicCarRestorationClub@program-director.net2020-02-25 00:00:001https://www.classiccarrestorationclub.comJim
Clean Tools, Inc.10 Plaza DriveWestmont, IL 605592020-02-08 00:00:00Frank
colliers-classics1961 Obispo AveSignal Hill, CAJim: site message
Bruce: VM and email
2020-03-02 00:00:00https://www.cylex.us.com/company/colliers-classics-3800360.htmlFrank
CRC Industries, Inc.885 Louis DriveWarminster, PA 189742020-02-04 00:00:00Frank
Critzas Industries, Inc.4041 Park AvenueSt Louis, MO 631102020-02-10 00:00:00Frank
Dearborn Classics5200 S. Washington AvenueTitusville, FL 327802020-02-05 00:00:00Frank
Delux Diner2295 Lancaster PikeShillington, PA 19607610.775.2577Anna; Lorideluxediner2295@gmail.com2020-02-21 00:00:000http://thedeluxerestaurant.com/Jim
Eagle One Industries3499 Blazer ParkwayLexington, KY 405092020-02-06 00:00:00Frank
Eastwood263 Shoemaker RoadPottstown, PA 19464-6433610.323.9099Alyssa NegronAnegron@eastwood.comcruse location1https://www.eastwood.com/custserv-storeJim
Evolution Powersports2400 Lancaster PikeReading, PA 19607484.624.5045overflow trailer parking2020-02-21 00:00:002020-02-21 00:00:001https://www.evolution-powersports.com/Bruce
Ford Motor CompanyOne American RoadDearborn, MI 481262020-02-07 00:00:00Frank
GOJO Industries, Inc.P. O. Box 991Akron, OH 44309-0991Goop hand cleaner towels2020-02-09 00:00:002020-02-13 00:00:001http://goophandcleaner.com/Frank
Hagerty InsuranceP. O. Box 1303Traverse City, MI 49685-1303Bags; Do Not Touch2020-02-11 00:00:002020-02-08 00:00:001https://www.hagerty.com/Frank
KP Automotive, IncNorth Wales, PA215.699.2456Jerrykpauto@aol.comKCfca VP2http://www.kpautomotive.com/Jerry
L.B. Smith1100Market StreetLemoyne, PA 17043888.879.9543general club sponsorship ($250)yes2https://www.lbsmithford.com/Jim
Liquid Glass Enterprises, Inc.PO Box 1170Teaneck, NJ 07666-11702020-02-13 00:00:00Frank
Loctite®Brand – Consumer ProductsHenkel Corporation1 Henkel WayRocky Hill, CT 06067-35812020-02-12 00:00:00Frank
Mac’s Antique Auto Parts6150 Donner RoadLockport, NY 140942020-02-14 00:00:00Frank
Mason Dixon Chaptersponsorship exchange2https://www.facebook.com/groups/115061685899580/Andy
Meguiar’s Inc.17991 Mitchell SouthIrvine, CA 926142020-02-19 00:00:00Frank
Melvin’s Classic Ford Partsgift certificates; Do Not Touch2020-02-27 00:00:00Bruce
Mothers Polish5456 Industrial DriveHuntington Beach, CA 92649-15192020-02-15 00:00:00Frank
northeastwheelsevents.comPamela Hirschhornpam@NortheastWheelsEvents.comList KCfca regional on their site2020-03-02 00:00:001http://northeastwheelsevents.ning.com/Jim
Rhino Fabricationsgift certificates2020-02-27 00:00:00Bruce
Shillington FordDear John2020-02-21 00:00:000Bruce
Simple Green World HeadquartersSunshine Makers, Inc.15922 Pacific Coast HighwayHuntington Beach, CA 926492020-02-16 00:00:00Frank
Stoner Inc.1070 Robert Fulton HighwayQuarryville, PA 175662020-02-17 00:00:00Frank
WD-40 Customer RelationsPO Box 308Budd Lake, NJ 07828Dear John2020-02-18 00:00:002020-02-22 00:00:00Frank