Hello everyone,
We are very sorry to inform you of the cancelation of the 20th KCFCA Regional meet in Shillington, PA on May 1st & 2nd. The KCFCA officers met and we have several reasons for this decision. Most of our attendees will be in the high-risk age group for this new virus. We are also not sure what the travel restrictions will be in May. The contract with the hotel has a 30 day cancelation penalty so we needed to make a decision ASAP. If you have booked a room with the Best Western Inn & Suites Hotel, we have included the phone number below for you to call the hotel to cancel your room reservations. If you already sent your registration form and a check to the KCFCA treasurer, we will send you a complete refund. There is a possibility we will postpone the meet to Fall. This will highly depend on the nature of the pandemic restrictions, hotel availability and the schedules of the main workers for the Regional. We hope you stay well and will see you soon.
The KCFCA Officers:
Jim Ogram – President
Jerry Kratz – VP
Virginia Servas – Treasurer
Bruce Wolfe – Regional Chairman
Best Western Inn & Suites
2299 Lancaster Pike
Shillington, PA 19607
Best Western Hotel
2299 Lancaster Pike
Friday afternoon cruise to Eastwood’s corporate headquarters where we will tour their warehouse, call center, video studio, and retail store.
Event Sponsors
L.B. Smith Ford | Hagerty Insurance |
Eastwood Automotive Tools | Goop Hand Cleaner |
KP Automotive, Inc | Evolution Powersports |
The Mason Dixon Chapter, Falcon Club of America | NortheastWheelsEvents |
Carolinas Chapter, Falcon Club of America | Melvin’s Classic Ford Parts |
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